Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Frills

Just some spur of the moment, last minute summer birthday cupcakes. Tried something new and different then the same old swirl and I thought they came out kind of purty ;-)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Aubrey Times Two

Today I got to deliver a cake that marks a very special occasion. Last year around this time, I had the opportunity to do a baby shower cake for a wonderfully friendly family. After doing a couple of other cakes for the same family, I didn't hear from them for a while. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I got an email from the Aubrey's mom for whom I made that baby shower cake a year ago wanting me to make that same baby's 1st birthday cake!!! How special is that???

Happy 1st Birthday

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations to all of you graduates out there!

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair... so I can eat it!!

This was so much FUN and a challenge! Engineering is definitely NOT my forte, so figuring out the structural support for this one was tricky, but it made it all in one piece thanks to my wonderful husband who held it steady for the entire ride! It was all well worth it because this one is going into my favorites.

Big Catch

A big catch for a special fisherman.

Graceful Cross Cookies

Love these!
1st Communion party favors

Cowboy Carter

I had the privilege of doing this mom's wedding cake and I have to post that cake with her baby boy's shower cake! This family definitely has western roots! One of the cutest little families I know. Congratulations guys and welcome Carter!

 Western Hay Bales Wedding
Cowboy Carter

Can't wait to do the 1st birthday!

Chocolate and Flowers

Just a little last minute cake for a birthday lady who LOVES chocolate! The is chocolate heaven with a chocolate fudge cake with a dark chocolate ganach filling and trim and a milk chocolate icing. I could actually eat this icing with a spoon!!!

(Ignore the fold of material- I never claimed I was a photographer :-P)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

1st Communion (with a twist)

It is always a challenge to design a cake for my very unconventional daughter. Birthdays are fun and funky and always challenge me but, with her impending 1st Communion, I was posed with a different kind of test. 1st Communion is a very important holy sacrament and are usually approached as an elegant and serious event. The cake designed for such an event is usually elegant, pristine, religiously decorated, and, of course, white! Well, this is NOT Gabi! Gabi is an intensely active, quiet, introspective, outdoorsy tomboy. She would think I was crazy if I put forth a cake with delicate flowers, bows, and crosses but, on the other hand, I didn't want to get sacrilegious or anything with dragons, snakes, or anything of that sort (which is what my little non traditionalist loves). So, I start looking and, lo and behold, I find a 7th birthday cake on one of my favorite cake sites that became the PERFECT mix of the delicateness of the ceremony and my daughter's passionate love of nature and, of course, the color green. I even figured that I could get away with a lizard, since I won't let her have a real one yet :-)